What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin

What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin. Advance Reader Copy (eARC) from the publisher via Netgalley included. No affiliate links were used. Read my full disclosure policy here.

Raven O'Sullivan doesn't remember what happened in Hyacinth House five years ago, but she knows her father’s death was her fault even though everyone says it was an accident. Raven's parents were paranormal investigators with Paranormal Surveyance Ireland (PSI), and Raven was eager to work cases with them. 

Her brother, Archer, wasn't in Hyacinth House that day, but he won't stop searching for answers. Hell-bent on reopening their parent's business, Archer jumps at the chance to head to Hyacinth House when a new case lands on his desk. 

Raven wants to say no, but as she is drawn deeper into the mystery, she knows there is only one way of getting answers. By confronting whatever inhabits Hyacinth House.

Éabha McLoughlin hears and sees things no one does. When a late-night internet search leads to Archer and co at PSI, Éabha thinks she might finally get some answers. But at what cost? 

With What Walks These Halls, Amy Clarkin has created a captivating cast of characters full of LGBTQ+ and disability representation. Given that What Walks These Halls is a YA novel, I wasn’t expecting to be as freaked out as I was by the novel’s conclusion. Overall, I really enjoyed it and look forward to What Walks These Halls 2.

What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin is published by O’Brien Press and is available in paperback and ebook formats.

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